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Home insurance with convictions FAQs

We are able to provide an online quote in the majority of cases, even for customers with convictions. However, if you are more comfortable speaking with one of our trained agents then they can discuss conviction types and the impact this might have on your home insurance.

The short answer is yes. And they will, but they may not check until you actually come to make a claim. In which case, if they discover that you have unspent convictions (if you have not fully discharged your rehabilitation period), then your insurance policy may become void because you failed to declare them when the policy started.

You cannot avoid declaring unspent criminal convictions, if asked. The questions asked apply to everyone living in the household, not just the policyholder. Whether you are living in someone else’s household, or you have someone with an unspent criminal conviction living in yours, you are still required to provide information when asked for it.

There are a few things that we need to know in order to move your quote along:

  • The name of the criminal offence.
  • The year of conviction.
  • The year of offence (most recent offence related to the conviction).
  • Sentence type.
  • If a prison sentence: how many months?
  • If a fine: how much?
  • If community service: how many hours?
  • If conditional/unconditional discharge: how many months?

A conviction is the final verdict by a court where the defendant has been found guilty of the crime for which they were charged.

Convictions that involve a prison sentence of more than 4 years are unlikely to ever become spent. Apart from those cases, the time it takes for a conviction to become spent varies depending on the sentence and whether the person convicted was tried as an adult or a young person (under 18s).

Use the free online disclosure calculator to work out when a conviction is spent.

No, you are only required to disclose unspent convictions.

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