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making an insurance claim

As soon as we have checked that your claim is covered by your policy, we will get the process moving. Straightforward claims are normally settled very quickly, and in all cases our claims team will keep you informed of progress.

Some larger value claims, for example an extensive house fire, can take months for the damage to be fully repaired, or the property rebuilt, and your family moved back into the property.

You can make unlimited claims on your policy. However, this may affect your policy premium and/or the terms, such as your excesses, when you renew. Incident details you provide us with are also shared with other insurers in line with industry practice. This could influence the price or availability of insurance offered to you in the future as insurers often set their prices based on previous incidents you’ve had.

An excess is the amount you need to contribute towards the cost of a claim. It is typically deducted from the final claims settlement, as opposed to an amount you need to pay up front. Typically, the higher the agreed excess, the lower the monthly premiums. A standard excess typically applies and a policyholder can supplement this with an additional voluntary excess, as a way to reduce their premium.

The average compulsory excess for a buildings claims is £149 and £136 for contents claims. There are also separate compulsory excesses for flooding, subsidence/landslip/heave, escape of oil and escape of water claims. The total excess you will pay is the sum of the relevant compulsory excesses and voluntary excesses (if you have any).

You can find the exact excess amounts you’ll pay towards a successful claim in your policy documents.

Example: if you’re looking to make an accidental damage claim for an item of contents worth £1000, you would pay the sum of your compulsory and voluntary contents excesses towards the claim if it’s successful.
If your compulsory contents excess is £150 and you chose a voluntary contents excess of £100, you’ll pay £250 towards your successful claim and receive £750:

Item value = £1000

Excesses payable = £150 (compulsory) + £100 (voluntary) = £250

Claim payout = £1000 – £250 = £750

Yes – Homeprotect contents insurance will cover the loss or damage of your belongings on a new for old basis, meaning that you will receive the value of the item to replace it at today’s prices.

In the event of a claim, you may be asked to provide evidence of value and ownership, such as purchase receipts or valuation certificates. It’s essential to provide this documentation for any high-risk items that you’ve specified on your policy, such as jewellery or watches.

You can choose what voluntary excess you would like to pay, however, you will not be able to choose the compulsory excess.

If you’re making a buildings insurance or contents insurance claim, the quickest way to do this is by logging in here and letting us know more about the incident. We’ll give you guidance on what you’re covered for to help you decide whether to submit the claim. Alternatively, you can call our claims team on 0330 660 0660.

You can also contact us on 0330 660 0660 to make a claim on an additional cover option such as legal expenses or home emergency cover. Check your policy documents for more details on your additional cover options.

Our claims team will request your policy number and details of the loss or damage including: date and time, your description of what happened, what the extent of the loss or damage is, what exactly is lost or damaged, the estimated value of the items lost or damaged (if applicable) and whether the police have been informed (in the case of theft or vandalism).

You can make a claim under a Homeprotect home insurance policy for anything that it covers which occurs after the policy started. Note that the start date for cover is not always the day you pay, that pre-existing damage is excluded, and that this does not necessarily apply to policy upgrades such as full legal expenses cover.

When your claim is approved, we’ll work with specialist suppliers to repair your property and get things back to normal. If you’re making a claim for your belongings, we’ll arrange to repair or replace the affected items.

Depending on what has happened, you may be able to request a cash pay out to replace or repair your building or contents instead of us carrying out the repair or replacement. We’ll let you know about this once your claim has been reviewed and we’ve agreed on the repair or replacement value.

In most cases, it shouldn’t make an immediate difference to your policy.

However, when it’s time to renew your policy, the terms of cover and/or premium may change (for example, the standard excesses may increase). You should also be aware that having a high claims history can make getting insurance in the future difficult.

If you have a break-in, we’ll offer suggestions on home security and may ask you to carry out security improvements, such as burglar alarms and window locks, before your next renewal.

There are several reasons why your claim might be rejected:

Inaccurate or withheld information
the cover we offer you is based on the information you provided when buying or renewing your policy. If this information isn’t accurate, we may reject your claim. That’s why it’s important to take the time to answer our questions as accurately as possible and check your policy details at renewal.

Wear and tear
wear and tear is not covered under homeprotect policies. To avoid your claim being rejected due to wear and tear, it’s important to carry out regular maintenance on your home.

Contents not specified
some items of contents need to be specified on your policy to be covered. If you make a claim for an item that should have been specified on your policy, we’ll likely reject your claim. More guidance on specified items can be found in your policy booklet.

Partial pay out
we might refuse to pay the full amount of your claim if you’ve under-estimated the total value of your buildings or contents cover (known as ‘being under-insured’).

You should first submit a complaint here and give our complaints team eight weeks to respond. If you’re not happy with the outcome of your complaint, you can ask the financial ombudsman to investigate what’s happened.

More details on how to make a complaint to the financial ombudsman can be found here.

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72% Saved money when they switched to Homeprotect*

*Survey data of 1,089 buying customers from 30th October – 12th November 2024